K200 – Computer Technology in Public Health
Spring 2025 – Hybrid
Bloomington Campus
Instructors - Contact Information & Grader
Margaret Lion
Name: Margaret Lion, Senior Lecturer
Sections: 5255; 5256; 5258; Honors: 9077; Graduate: K506: ----
Office: F2F: LH 030. Virtual: Zoom; Email; Phone.
Phone: 812-856-0006 – See Communication Policy below.
Email: mlion@iu.edu – See Communication Policy below.
Office Hours: Starting second week of semester, Thursdays, 9:30-10:30am over Zoom - Link in Canvas Announcements; or by appointment.Communication Policy
You may communicate with me through the methods listed below. I have multiple roles within the university so you must follow the instructions given below. I will get back to you within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays when it might take longer to respond).
- IF Email: Put 1. Name; and 2. Section #/Time you come to class in Subject line. In body of email put list in detail why you are writing.
- Ms. Lion will do her best to reply within 24-28 hours.
- Note: If you do not put your name and time you come to class in subject line, Ms. Lion will not respond.
- IF Canvas Inbox: Canvas shows your section number and name in subject line so you only need to write a detailed message.
- Ms. Lion will do her best to reply within 24-28 hours.
- IF Phone: If leaving message state: 1. Name; 2. Section #/Time you come to class; and 3. Reason for your call.
- Ms. Lion will do her best to reply within 24-48 hours.
DO NOT TEXT! Ms. Lion's office phone does not have that capability. You can email her from your phone always.
Remember: If you deviate you must communicate. If for whatever reason you cannot make it to class or need help you MUST let your instructor know.
Learn more about Ms. Lion from her websites:
Lowell Furman
Name: Lowell Furman, Adjunct Instructor
Sections: 5262; 5264
Office: By appointment
Email: lfurman@iu.edu
Office Hours: By AppointmentCommunication Policy
Rule: If you deviate, you must communicate. - Lowell Furman. If you cannot make it to class and/or are having trouble with a project, email your instructor!! If we don't know, we can't help.How to Contact Mr. Furman:
- Use your IU Email ONLY. Must be email given to you by IU. No personal email addresses.
- Do NOT use Canvas Inbox.
- Put name, section number and/or time you come to class in Subject line.
- In body of email put, your contact information, and why you are calling.
- Mr. Furman will do his best to reply within 24-28 hours.
DO NOT TEXT! Mr. Furman does not respond to texts. You can email him from your phone always.
Rebecca Delong
Ms. Rebecca Delong is the Grader for all sections of K200. However, if you have any questions about your grade, you must contact your instructor. Do not contact Ms. Delong. Contacting Ms. Delong will result in penalties. See Grader listed below.
Course Description and Structure
By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate how to learn about new technology.
This course offers students a general introduction to computer technology including a closer look at the Indiana University systems. In K200, students will learn the basics of microcomputer applications, also called programs, in a Windows environment. Programs include operating systems, artificial intelligence, word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, audio and video file editing for podcasting, AI, the World Wide Web (WWW), and website development. In addition, students will access and use the IU computing resources for classrooms. By learning and practicing these programs and tasks, students will learn how to learn about technology and be prepared for future changes in technology. This will prepare them for their future academic and professional careers
Class overview can be found on this website. Detailed instructions, projects, and exams will be in Canvas. Instruction is divided into weekly modules. Each week will cover a topic.
All projects are submitted into Canvas. All exams are in Canvas.
Note: This course uses PC computers. We will do our best to provide materials for Mac users.
Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Adapt to any technology changes that occur at IU or the world.
- Demonstrate skills in understanding and following written instructions.
- Demonstrate accessing IU computer resources.
- Demonstrate learning new technology, both hardware and software.
- Identify and create documents and images using artificial intelligence (AI).
- Identify, describe, and respond to questions regarding computer applications.
- Demonstrate how computers work, specifically typical hardware functions in a personal computer, printer, and accessories.
- Demonstrate the ethical use of computers in the workplace including basic rules for use in communicating with others.
- Demonstrate using online resources for downloading and storing data.
- Demonstrate the procedures and techniques used in word processing.
- Demonstrate procedures and techniques used in spreadsheet program.
- Demonstrate fundamental procedures and techniques used in databases.
- Demonstrate fundamental procedures and techniques used in creating slideshow presentations.
- Demonstrate using the World Wide Web use, including quality development of Websites.
- Demonstrate creating and editing podcasts, both video and audio formats.
REMEMBER: Technology changes quickly! Therefore, there may be times during the class when you will have to adapt your instructional materials to the technology you are using in the classroom. Be prepared for this! Being able to adapt is part of using technology.
Class meeting days, times, and location
Students are required to attend the face to face (f2f) class sessions. You are welcome to attend all of the Zoom sessions. Attending a Zoom session does not count as attending. They are there for you to use as you see fit. See Attendance in this syllabus for more information.
- MW Hybrid Section: 5255: 9:10 AM–10:25 AM - Lindley Hall (LH) 030 - Locate on Google Maps / Zoom - Class link in Canvas Announcements.
- MW Hybrid Section: 5256: 11:10 AM–12:25 PM - Lindley Hall (LH) 030 - Locate on Google Maps / Zoom - Class link in Canvas Announcements.
- Section: Honors: 9077 - meets with above section - Class link in Canvas Announcements.
- Section: K506: ---- - meets with above section - Class link in Canvas Announcements.
- MW Hybrid Section 5258: 12:45 PM–2:00 PM - Lindley Hall (LH) 030 - Locate on Google Maps / Zoom - Class link in Canvas Announcements.
- MW Hybrid Section 5262: MW 3:55 PM–5:10 PM- Lindley Hall (LH) 030 - Locate on Google Maps / Zoom - Look for communication from instructor
- MW Hybrid Section: 5264: MW 7:05 PM–8:20 PM - Lindley Hall (LH) 030 - Locate on Google Maps / Zoom - Look for communication from instructor
Zoom Instructions
The link to your Zoom class session will be in Announcements in Canvas.
When attending a K200 Zoom class, or any IU Zoom meeting, you MUST be logged into your IU system. IU requires you to be logged into IU to maintain security.
In other words, do this:
- Log into One.iu.edu.
- Once inside One, select Zoom.
- A new Zoom window will open.
- Press the login button.
- THEN leaving the Zoom window open, go to Canvas and click on the class link.
- That should work.
- If it doesn't, call UITS at 812-855-6789 and get help.
Course Requirements
Text and Tools
The required textbooks listed below were purchased with your class tuition fees and can be found in Canvas.
- Skills for Success with Office 365, 2019 Edition, Margo Chaney Adkins, Stephanie Murre Wolf. Publisher: Pearson, eText ISBN: 9780135366462, 0135366461 - You will find this in Canvas in the left navigation under IU eTexts (Unizin Engage).
- Introduction to Podcasting, Volume 5, Margaret Lion. IU Press. 2022. You will find this in Canvas in Modules.
- Supplemental materials will be provided in Canvas and on this website free of charge.
The below tools can be purchased through the web or at local stores.
- Required: Listening to Video/Audio in STC Lab. During lab time in K200 you will often need to watch and work through instructional videos. In order to hear the video and not disturb you classmates, you will need a way to listen to the videos. Many students will watch and listen to the videos on their phones or tablets and use their own ear buds or headphones. This is fine. If you want to listen using the STC lab desktop then you must purchase wired headphones. The STC lab does not support bluetooth! Examples: In ear wired headphones and over ear wired headphones.
- Recommended: USB stick - 4 GB is a good size. You will be taught and required to back up your work on OneDrive. However backing up information on a USB stick is also good as then you can carry and work with your files even if there is no Internet.
Technical Requirements
BEFORE YOU START READING KNOW THIS: If you do not understand any of the terms below, relax! This course will teach you all of this. You will be taught how to use all hardware, software, and services listed below. When you are done with K200, you will be buff with computer skills.
You will need the following in order to participate in this course:
- Internet Access: K200 is a computer technology course that focuses on popular software using text and materials found on the Web. Fall and spring semesters can use materials on IU campus for this course. For the summer, Internet access is a requirement.
- Access to Canvas using a supported Web browser. NOTE: Chrome is preferred for IU users.
- Hardware: You must have access to hardware to do this class. A PC with Windows operating system (OS) is the preferred computer format. If you are a Mac user, yes you can do this course, you will just need to take different steps. Yes, there will be instructions. NOTE: Best computer for this class is a Windows PC, either desktop or laptop.
- Mac users can succeed and the get the highest grades in this class IF they budget extra time for completing projects.
- Chromebook users must always use IUanyWare – with Mozilla Firefox - and again, this may cause more time to do the work.
- Computer Classroom/STC Labs. It is suggested that if you have a Mac or Chromebook, you use your class time to complete work. You may also find and use all Student Technology Center (STC) labs on campus for this class. Find STC labs here.
- Software: Get no-cost access to hundreds of software programs and applications through IUware and the web. All you need is your IU email address.
- IUware: Use IUware to download and install software directly onto your computer.
- ONLY AS A LAST RESORT; Consult with Instructor First - IUanyWare: Use IUanyWare to stream 400+ apps on your desktop or through the mobile app with your IU login. Think of this service like Netflix: Because you are streaming, the software will show on your computer but live on another. NOTE: Must use Mozilla Firefox in order to successfully use IUanyWare. You will NEVER use IUanyWare in the classroom/STC lab.
Prerequisites & Necessary Skills
There are no prerequisites or necessary skills needed for this course. What you do not know how to do or understand, you will learn.
Required Computer & Digital Literacy Skills
This is a class about acquiring such skills. What you do not know how to do or understand, you will learn.
Overview and Schedule of Assignments
Course Work
It is recommended you budget at least 6 hours per week to finish all K200 work.
Although Canvas uses the term “Assignments”, in K200 you will complete projects. You will also have two exams, discussed below in Exams. You can find the schedule for all of your projects and exams in All Project Due Dates and in Canvas Syllabus.
To get the highest grade possible, you need to complete all work. Projects in K200 build upon each other. If you skip one, the rest will not make sense. Online class management is through the IU Canvas LMS. The class website is used for reference. Detailed instructions and access to textbook and video lessons will be presented in the Canvas modules. Modules are divided by weeks. Every week you will have projects to complete. This will usually involve reading text and/or watching videos and performing the steps demonstrated. Your progress in this class will be evaluated by how well you complete the class projects and perform on the exams. Projects and exams are listed in the Canvas Gradebook and at the bottom of the Canvas syllabus.
Projects are usually due on Sunday or Wednesday night at 11:59 PM unless otherwise stated in instructions.
Your class projects have the following categories:
- Weekly Projects - Projects from the textbook/class materials you must complete each week. These projects teach basic program skills.
- Major Projects - Larger projects focusing on one piece of software. These projects require students to apply skills learned during Weekly Projects.
- Final Project - Last project of the semester focusing on website creation and skills learned throughout the semester.
All graded projects will be found in Modules. They will be given in the order to best learn the material.
Submitting Projects
“Submit your project like an adult.” - JKS
“Submit your project like an adult” means submit your project using the method your instructor gives you. All projects will be submitted in Canvas Assignments for grading.
Consider submitting projects properly as part of your grade.
Make sure to follow the below guidelines:
- “Submit your project like an adult” means submit your project using the method your instructor gives you. All projects will be submitted in Canvas Assignments for grading.
- Projects must be submitted in correct Assignment location. Submitting a file in the wrong location will result in the project NOT being graded.
- Projects must be submitted as a complete file.
- No links to an online folder. NEVER submit anything to your instructor as a link to an online drive. This includes putting links inside your work. Linked work WILL NOT BE GRADED.
- File must have correct file extension.
- Submitting a file in the wrong format/file extension will result in 0 with no option for regrading.
- Ms. Lion will NOT accept project files in an email.
- Mr. Furman might accept a project file in an email, but you must get permission from him first.
If you are unfamiliar with Canvas and Assignments check out the below links that will take you to the Canvas Student Guide. You can of course ask your instructor for help when submitting.
- How do I submit an online assignment?
- How do I upload a file as an Assignment submission in Canvas?
- How do I know when my assignment has been submitted?
- How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?
For All Answers About Canvas Assignments Visit: Assignments in the Canvas Student Guide.
Projects with Multiple Files
There will be times when you will submit more than one file for a project. If you submit the files on different days, you will notice that Canvas only shows you the most current file you submitted.
HOWEVER, KNOW THIS: The instructors and graders can see everything you submit. If you are not sure if you submitted a file, submit it again. We will always grade the last file submitted. It is better to have several copies of one file instead of none.
For All Answers About Canvas Assignments Visit: Assignments in the Canvas Student Guide.
Canvas Issues
Canvas has two big issues for students – and yes instructors and grader are aware. These have been mentioned above and are highlighted below.
- Student only sees one submitted file. While student may not be able to see every file that has been submitted, the instructors and grader can. No need to worry or check in with instructor about this. See Projects with Multiple Files.
- Canvas Preview. The file preview in Canvas is weak and often does not show the correct formatting in a project file. The instructors and grader know this. They do not grade from the Canvas preview. They download the files and open them in the correct software. So relax and do not email instructor or grader about this.
There are two exams in this class that will cover material given in the previous weeks. They will be in Canvas Quizzes. Exams are multiple choice, true/false, and matching. Study guides for both exams are on the Class Resources webpage. Complete the study guides before you start the exams and use for reference when taking the exams.
- EXAM #1: Introduction to Computer Concepts & the Web
- EXAM #2: Microsoft Office Suite
Honors Section
You have additional work for K200. You will find it and the due dates listed in the Canvas Syllabus. Notable differences are:
- Major & Final Projects instructions will have additional material.
- Weekly disscussions requiring your input.
- Semester long profession project to be added to the last major project, online portfolio.
Graduate Section
You have additional work for K200. You will find it and the due dates listed in the Canvas Syllabus. Notable differences are:
- Major Projects instructions will have additional material.
- Weekly disscussions requiring your input.
- Semester long profession project to be added to the last major project, online portfolio.
Course Schedule
Refer to All Project Due Dates for course work schedule. Also look under Course Summary on the Canvas Syllabus page.
Yes, K200 is hard. The only way to acquire computer skills is to put your hands on they keyboard and mouse and use the computer. This takes time and work. There are many projects in this course - keep up.
To earn an outstanding grade in K200, do the following:
- Come to Class. Come to every assigned face to face (f2f) class session. If you cannot, contact instructor before class begins.
- Do the Work. Complete all projects and exams and turn them in on time.
Project and exam points will be posted in Canvas within one week to ten days of the due date. Since Canvas keeps track of all of your points you should always be able to estimate your current grade in the course. If you need assistance, please contact me. All your assignments will count towards your final score. K200 does not grade on a curve.
If you do poorly on one project, do better on the next. That way you can keep your points high and your grade up.
The total number of points you can receive in the class is given in Canvas in your gradebook. In the Excel Major Project, you will be given a tool to calculate your final grade. Use it.
Working Hard: Working hard doesn't mean you will get a good grade, it just means you worked hard. Your K200 instructors and grader have gone through similar experiences in their college and professional careers and know the frustration. Just keep going.
Project Difficulties:
If you are having difficulty with a project, please let us know in the Canvas Comments. You must give us details in order for us to potentially grant you grace on your project. Example: Student Writes:
"Hello. I was having trouble with Step __ on Page __ and therefore I couldn't _____. I did this ________ instead/or just continued."
Always document your difficulties in this way. Only documentation in your Canvas Comments potentially will help your grade.
Canvas & Grading Rules:
- Canvas will give you an approximate grade report. You will be given a project in the beginning of the course that will help you calculate your final grade for yourself. Do NOT trust the Canvas score.
- If you have a question about your grade, contact your instructor only via their preferred method of communication. DO NOT write to the grader! Do not reach out to the grader via Assignment Comments, Canvas Inbox, or email. (See Academic Misconduct).
- Project Comments. Read comments given by grader or instructor before contacting your instructor. Your instructor may ask you to repeat the Grader's comments. Comments will help you understand your points given.
- If you do have a question about your grade, talk to Ms. Lion during lab time in class.
- If you have not done enough work on a project to make it worth the instructor or grader's time, you will receive a minimum number of points.
- You may not submit any project for regrading.
Grading Scale
K200 uses the standard letter grading scale with +/-.
Grading Scale Letter Grade:
100 %
to 97.0%
< 96.0 %
to 93.0%
< 92.0 %
to 90.0%
< 89.0 %
to 87.0%
< 86.0 %
to 83.0%
< 82.0 %
to 80.0%
< 79.0 %
to 77.0%
< 76.0 %
to 73.0%
< 72.0 %
to 70.0%
< 69.0 %
to 67.0%
< 66.0 %
to 63.0%
< 62.0 %
to 60.0%
< 59.0 %
to 0.0%
K200 has two built-in extensions for almost all of the projects. Built-in extensions are:
- Late Work - Accept Until date, which is three days/72 hours after the due date. HOWEVER! There are a few exceptions and those will be clearly marked. Read more about Late Work - Accept Until date below.
- Very Late Work - Past Due Project Submit. You can submit work up to 2 weeks after the Due Date. Read more about it below.
No other extensions are given. Remember:
- In the work world, if you miss a deadline for any reason, you will have consequences. Perhaps you do not get to work on a desired project or do not receive bonuses at the end of the year. Good News: You still have a job. In K200 the good news is you have many opportunties to make more points to receive a good grade.
- It is unfair to the students who turn in their work on time if those who turn their work in late get the same score.
- If you ask for an extension, you will be reminded of the built-in ones.
Late Work - Accept Until Date
Note: Deadline time is in Eastern Daylight Time, the current time zone for Bloomington, Indiana. To be sure you do not miss a deadline, consult the Time Zone Map.
Late Work - Accept Until Date. If students miss the Due Date, they will have three calendar days/72 hours to submit work up to the Accept Until date. If projected is submitted after Due Date but before Accept Until Date, project will lose 20% of your total points. Work not submitted within this time frame will need to be submitted using the Very Late Work policy below.
Example of Accept Until Date: If project was due on July 3, 11:59 PM but student could not make the date, turn project in on or before the Accept Until date of July 6, 11:59 PM. DO NOT expect to receive full credit on late work.
Projects without Accept Until dates will be labeled.
Very Late Work
You can easily find the Very Late Work - Past Due Project Submit course link on the Canvas Syllabus page.
If you miss the Accept Until date, or Due date for projects that do not have Accept Until, you may put your project files in the Very Late Work - Past Due Project Submit section in Canvas Assignments. A link to Very Late Work – Past Due Project Submit can be found on the Canvas Syllabus page and Assignments. HOWEVER! Instructors and/or grader are under no obligation to grade. Therefore, anything submitted after Accept Until may not get you any points. You must also follow and be aware of the below rules.
Rules for Very Late Work – Past Due Project Submit:
- Files must be submitted with explanation as to what they are and why they are late in Comments or as a separate Word file.
- Instructors and grader are under no obligation to grade any work in this section.
Timeline and Grading for Very Late Work - Past Due Project Submit
- If project submitted within 2 weeks of Due Date, 40-50%
- If project submitted after 2 weeks of Due Date, 60%-+
- The above timeline will not work, starting with the Podcasting projects. Once Podcasting starts, two or more weeks beyond the due date are not possible due to semester ending.
REMEMBER: Instructors and/or grader are under no obligation to grade any files submitted. Anything submitted Very Late Work - Past Due Project Submit may not get you any points.
Please note: It is unfair to grade very late work and give the same score when compared to those who turned it in on time. You can still get a good grade in K200 with a few late work projects. Don't make it a habit.
YOU must look after your grades and your projects.
Mr. Furman Sections: Be sure to talk with him as he has a different project delivery protocol.
LAST SUBMITTING DATE FOR VERY LATE - Past Due Project Submit is Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Extra Credit
You can easily find the Extra Credit - Total course link on the Canvas Syllabus page.
Ms. Lion LOVES to give extra credit as it provides wonderful learning opportunities for you. Semester long extra credit can be found in Canvas in Announcements - look for Extra Credit in the subject line. Submit all extra credit in Canvas Assignments Extra Credit - Total Course section. A link to Extra Credit - Total Course can be found on the Canvas syllabus page. Extra credit will be added in at the end of the semester after your coursework score has been calculated.
However. You cannot rely on extra credit to pass K200. Read the extra credit policies below.
Students are encouraged to do extra credit to help boost grading points. However, know this:
- If you are receiving an F, no amount of extra credit will pull your grade up.
- If you are earning a D because you have not turned in work, you will only be able to earn points to a C.
- All extra credit will be graded after the due date.
LAST DUE DATE FOR EXTRA CREDIT - Extra Credit is Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Mr. Furman does 2 Extra Credits for his sections. He will discuss them in his class sections.
Attendance is taken in face to face (f2f) class sessions only. You only meet one day a week f2f. You are expected to be in the classroom. Unexcused absences means poor attendance and that will affect your grade.
Because this class is a skills course and has a laboratory setting, attendance is required in all face to face (f2) sessions and will be checked every class session. Students must attend the class session(s) they are assigned by the Registrar and given by instructor.
There are two types of absences in K200: Excused and Unexcused. Excused absences do not negatively affect a student’s grade. Unexcused absences will negatively affect a student’s grade.
Students in face-to-face class sections may have up to 2 unexcused absences, that is, absences that are at the student's discretion. Students may have 2 unexcused absences on their record with no penalty to their grade.
To get an Excused Absence, do the following:
- Send your instructor an email BEFORE class starts. Yes you can even send it the night before.
To get an Unexcused Absence, do the following:
- Nothing. Note: Telling the instructor after class will not work.
Differences Between Excused and Unexcused Absences
However.At 3 unexcused absences, the student's final grade will be lowered by one third of a letter grade at the end of the semester (eg: Grade goes from B- to C+).
At 4 unexcused absences, the student's final grade will be lowered by two thirds of a letter grade at the end of the semester (eg: Grade goes from B- to C).
At 5 unexcused absences, the student's final grade will be lowered by one full letter grade at the end of the semester (eg: Grade goes from B- to C-).
At 6 unexcused absences, the student's final grade will be an F. At that point you are encouraged to drop the class.Tardiness: A student who is late for class by 10 minutes or more will be marked absent and it is up to the student to check with the instructor to have that absence changed to a tardy. Three tardiness events will be counted as an unexcused absence. Three early departures (10 minutes or more before the end of a class session) will be counted as an unexcused absence.
Students are responsible for keeping track of their absences and tardiness. Students should keep track of all days missed.
Grades of Incomplete or Pass/Fail
Grades of Incomplete or Pass/Fail must be discussed with the instructor two weeks before the semester ends. Note and follow the rules below:
- K200 First Step: Talk with your advisor and make sure they approve your request for either an incomplete or pass/fail.
- Incomplete: BEFORE you ask for an Incomplete, you must read the Grades and Grading policy FIRST. If you do not meet the passing requirement in the policy, you cannot receive an Incomplete.
- Pass/Fail: If K200 is a required class for you to graduate, you may not be able to take it pass/fail.
Course Evaluation
It is the policy of the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington to evaluate all courses taught through the school. Final student course evaluations will be online and anonymous. Please fill them out to help improve K200.
Course & IU Policies
IU Calendar - Drop & Add Dates
There are important semester dates students and faculty must follow. Click to see the official Spring 2025 Full Term Calendar.
Several important dates are:
- Waitlist requests expire - Th January 13
- Last day to Drop a course without a Grade of W / 100% Refund Deadline - Su January 19
- Late Drop/Add: Late Schedule Adjustment & Grade of W begin for all drops - M January 20
- Faculty Verification of Class Attendance - Tu Jan 21 - Su Feb 23
- Early Evaluation Grade - Tu Jan 21 - Su Feb 23
- Pass/Fail Option Deadline - M Feb 10
- Last Day to Drop with Automatic W - Su Mar 16
- Drop with a Grade of W or F - M Mar 17
- Withdrawal from All Classes Deadline - Sa May 3
If at any time you need to drop the class, please consult with your advisor first. That is the best way to know how your grades will be affected.
Dear students, K200 always follows IU policy - Coronavirus COVID-19. Therefore until otherwise notified by IU, wearing a mask is optional and your choice. To keep up to date on IU and COVID policies, go to: Indiana University COVID-19 Dashboard
Introduction to K200 Unforgivables
In the Harry Potter books there are the three Unforgivable Curses. These curses correspond to Ms. Lion's Unforgivable Sins in K200. NEVER do any of the below.
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Read Academic Misconduct for all information about this code.
Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of this university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. All submitted written work is to be done by the student her/himself. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that range from reduction in grade, probation to expulsion. Using someone else’s work as if it is your own— plagiarism— is a serious university offense and will be dealt with following university guidelines. You must cite borrowed ideas or text, including lecture material, regardless of whether it is a direct quote or a paraphrasing. When in doubt— cite. (See section II, Student Misconduct, of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, available on the “Campus Course Policies” link, available on the left tab of your courses in Canvas). Honesty requires that any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged. Offering the work of someone else as one’s own is plagiarism. The language or ideas thus taken from another may range from isolated formulas, sentences, or paragraphs to entire articles copied from books, periodicals, speeches, or the writings of other students. The offering of materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment also is considered plagiarism. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas or materials taken from another source is guilty of plagiarism (Faculty Council, May 2, 1961; University Faculty Council, March 11, 1975; Board of Trustees, July 11, 1975) Source comes from IU's Policies site.
According to the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (2010), a student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever:
- Directly quoting another person's actual words, whether oral or written;
- Using another person's ideas, opinions, or theories;
- Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written;
- Borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or
- Offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgement.
Avoid plagiarism and NEVER SHARE FILES!
Any suspected incident of academic integrity will result in meeting with instructors. If found guilty, student(s) will be subjected to penalties to be determined by the instructor. No exceptions.
Again, read Academic Misconduct for all information about this code.
This is Ms. Lion's equivalent of the Avada Kedavra curse.
Professional Conduct and Civility
See Student Code of Conduct for official IU policies
Each student is expected to show respect through behavior that promotes an environment in which all students can learn without interruption or distraction. These behaviors foster an appropriate atmosphere inside and outside the classroom:
- Students are expected to be respectful and supportive of all class activities and participation requirements.
- Students must address faculty members, and ALL other students, appropriately and with the utmost respect, whether in person, in writing, or in electronic communications.
- Students must show tolerance and respect for diverse nationalities, religions, races, sexual orientations, and physical abilities.
Incivility and/or any form of discourtesy WILL NOT BE TOLERATED under any circumstances in K200. When students and instructors communicate with each other, courtesy and civility will be enforced. This applies to all media used.
Therefore: Keep all K200 conversations, emails, social network postings, blogging, websites, and class projects G rated and extremely polite. Any harassment of classmates, instructor, or any population in general in any form - including but not limited to racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexual misconduct, pornographic, or bullying behavior or any kind - will result in your grade being lowered by at least one letter at the end of the class, probably more! Penalties will work the same as violating Academic Integrity. Do not earn an F. If any student is unsure of any comment/post/email/project being impolite, do not post, send, or say it.
In fact, IU is concerned about professional conduct and civility. Bias-based incident reports can be made by students, faculty, and staff. Any act of discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability can be reported through any of the options: 1) email biasincident@indiana.edu or incident@indiana.edu; 2) call the Dean of Students Office at (812) 855-8188 or 3) use the IU mobile app (m.iu.edu). Reports can be made anonymously.
Note: Pornographic images/language or any form of Zoombombing will result in an immediate F in the class. Student will be reported to IU.
This is Ms. Lion's equivalent of the Cruciatus Curse in K200.
Do NOT contact Grader.
- Contacting Grader will result in penalties.
- Any questions about your grade must be sent to your instructor only.
- Arguing in the Comments with grader is communicating with the grader and will not be tolderated.
- Writing to grader in Canvas Inbox is prohibited. When using Canvas Inbox, be sure to select ONLY your instructor.
- Email all questions to your instructor who will be happy to help.
- Yes, write problems you are having about your projects when you submit it as shown under Grading.
- Always communicate with your instructor with any grading issues.
This is Ms. Lion's equivalent of the Imperius Curse in K200.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
As your instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. Title IX and our own Sexual Misconduct policy prohibit sexual misconduct. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help. I encourage you to visit Stop Sexual Violence website to learn more. If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with a Mental Health Counselor on campus.
It is also important that you know that Title IX and University policy require me to share any information brought to my attention about potential sexual misconduct, with the campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator or IU’s Title IX Coordinator. In that event, those individuals will work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available. Protecting student privacy is of utmost concern, and information will only be shared with those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. I encourage you to visit stopsexualviolence.iu.edu to learn more.
Accessibility Services
Every attempt will be made to provide accessibility measures (accommodations) to students with qualifying medical conditions (e.g. mental health, learning, chronic health, physical, hearing, vision, neurological, etc.), under the Americans with Disabilities Act. You must have established your eligibility for support services through Accessible Educational Services for qualifying medical conditions. Note that services are confidential, may take time to put in place, and are forward moving. Captions and alternate media for print materials may take three or more weeks to get produced. Please contact Accessible Educational Services (AES) at 812-855-7578 as soon as possible if accessibility measures are needed. The office is located on the basement floor of Eigenmann Hall, #001.
Digital Access and Equity
Students do not all have the same access to experience technologyrelated access problems that interfere with their work in the course. You may also wish to direct students to technology-related resources provided by the university, such as:
• Free on-campus wireless internet (wifi) access through the “eduroam” network.
• Free software for download and for cloud-based use.
• Free 24/7 IU tech support(e.g., email, Canvas, wifi, printing, device setup, etc.).
• Free in-person tech support in the Wells Library.Library Research Help
IU Libraries offers one-on-one consultations with students who need assistance with library research.
Religious Observances
Per policy BL-ACA-H10, instructors must reasonably accommodate students who want to observe their religious holidays at times when academic requirements conflict with those observances. Students missing class for a religious observance must fill out the accommodation form on the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs webpage at least two weeks before your anticipated absence.
Student Advocates Office
Refer students who are facing an issue that is affecting their ability to succeed at Indiana University Bloomington to the Student Advocates Office. SAO can assist with issues such as responding to a conduct charge, understanding IU’s academic policies and procedures, finding resources, preparing grade appeals and financial appeals, as well as withdrawing from all courses.
We Care - Addressing Student Needs
Dear Students: Life can be very stressful. We care about you and so does IU. Below are services for you to use.
Food Insecurity
If at any point during the semester you find yourself struggling with access to food, the Crimson Cupboard offers free food to any IU Bloomington students who cannot otherwise afford it. The Crimson Cupboard operates on the honor system, and they will never ask you for financial information. You can visit the pantry once a week.
The Crimson Cupboard is located in Campus View Apartments at 800 N Union Street. You can contact the pantry at 812-855-1924 or via email at cupboard@indiana.edu. The hours vary throughout the semester, so please visit their website for the most up-to-date hours: Crimson Cupboard.
Bloomington, Indiana has several food pantries and places to get a hot meal. You can find them here: Bloomington, Indiana Food Pantries.
Care Referral
In this course the instructor wants to make sure you connect with resources that will help you be successful. If you receive a message through the Student Engagement Roster that asks you to consult with your advisor, please know that the message is sent to both you and your academic advisor, who will follow up and view the feedback from this course.
Please download and keep the Care Card. It was created by Indiana University to help you stay well.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
If you find that life stressors are interfering with your academic or personal success, you are encouraged to contact CAPS as early in the semester as possible. CAPS services can help with issues that range from coping with life’s transitions to dealing with more serious emotional problems. All fulltime students are eligible for personal and confidential short-term counseling services and receive two-free CAPS sessions each semester. Group counseling is available for issues such as anxiety and dissertation support.
CAPS is located in the IU Student Health Center, at 600 N. Jordan Avenue. The Student Health Center is generally open from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, but can vary slightly each semester. The best way to request services is by calling 812-855-5711. After hours the crisis line is available to students 24/7 by calling 812-855-5711 and choosing option 1.
For more information visit the CAPS website: CAPS.
NOTE: Several students have reported to me that the Counseling and Wellness Clinic is also an excellent place on campus to receive counseling. It is located in the School of Education.
General Health
Maintain your physical and mental health at the below locations in Bloomington.
- IU Health Center
- IU Health Center - Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Counseling and Wellness Clinic - Offers counseling; located in the School of Education
Sexual Health is important - and often overlooked. So here are some great links for ensuring your sexual health.
Division of Student Affairs
There are many resources for students at Indiana University to use. Be sure to go to the Division of Student Affairs website for information about student life.
- Student Support - Find links to Dead of Students Office, Student Advocates, Office of Disability Services for Students, Student Legal Services, Crimson Cupboard, Scholarships and awards, and Center for Veteran and Military Students.
- Get Help - Find information on dealing with sexual violence, drugs and alcohol, medical sciences, counseling, personal safety, and IU does not tolerate hazing.
- Not sure where to go to for help? Submit a Care Referral link.
Technology and Support
UITS HELP Phone: 812-855-6789
Students who need help accessing Canvas, resetting a password, using email, or with any technology problems, can contact their campus IT Helpdesk using the link below.
Students can also find answers to frequently asked technology questions in the IU Knowledge Base.
HELP & SUPPORT: With the exception of special holiday hours, phone, email, and chat support is available 24/7. During closings, phone calls will route to the UITS Contact Center for an answering service.
Chat: https://ithelplive.iu.edu/
Phone: 812-855-6789
Email: ithelp@iu.edu
Online: Knowledge BaseAcademic Support and Student Services
IU Online provides quick and easy access to tools, tips, and IU resources to help you succeed in your online courses, including:
- Math and Writing Support: Direct access to IU-trained math mentors and writing consultants
- Libraries and Research: Online access to IU library resources and research librarians
- Technology: A full suite of software, collaboration tools, cloud storage, and training
For more information, visit: IU Online Academic Support
Campus Grading Policies
To learn more about IU grading policies, visit the Grades webpage on the Student Central website.
Grade Appeal
If you believe the grade received in a course is incorrect, you should follow the Grade Appeal Policy given on the Public Health bulletin: Undergraduate Grade Appeal. ou are requested to first try to resolve the grade issue with the course instructor of record. Then if you are not satisfied, you should continue with the process.
Dropping a Course
During the first week of classes, you may drop a class with no grade recorded on your transcript. From the second week of classes through the ninth week (the ‘auto W’ period), you may withdraw from a class with an automatic grade of ‘W’. This will be recorded on your transcript, but not included in your GPA.
After the ninth week (and before the final exam period), a student wishing to withdraw with a grade of ‘W’ must be passing the course at that time. You must complete a ‘Drop Only’ form and contact the offices listed for signatures before giving the form to the instructor. The instructor will confirm on the form that you are passing at that time for a ‘W’ grade or that your grade is an ‘F’. This ‘F’ grade WILL be included in calculation of your GPA.
Faculty members are required to report any student who stops attending a class and does not withdraw (with a grade of ‘W’ or ‘F’). Failure of a course due to non-attendance may affect financial aid award amounts.
Fair Use Policy
Copying or recording synchronous classes and asynchronous course materials without the express prior approval of the K200 instructor is prohibited. All copies and recordings remain the property of Indiana University and the K200 instructor. IU and K200 instructors reserve the right to retrieve, inspect, or destroy the copies and recordings after their intended use. These policies are not intended to affect the rights of students with disabilities under applicable law or IU policies.
Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Students are expected to adhere to the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct at all times. Any inappropriate behavior, disruptive conduct (e.g., engaging in hostile or disrespectful commentary on the site, or discussing irrelevant evidence) or non-compliance with faculty directions can result in a charge of Academic and/or Personal Misconduct, the consequence of which could be a variety of sanctions either from the instructor or the Dean of Students. For more information see The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
Syllabus Revision
The instructor reserves the right to revise or adjust the course syllabus to best accommodate the pace and needs of the students.
K200 is where you will become buff with computer skills.
Read for all guidelines and information about K200.
Gives semester calendar overview by weeks. Weeks runs from Monday-Sunday.
All Project Due Dates
Lists due dates for all projects and exams. Instructions and student files can also be downloaded.
Class Resources
Links to files and websites to help you with this course - and the future.
Takes you to the Canvas login page. Detailed class instructions, project submittal, and exams will be found here.